Kitchen Aid

I started out baking because I have all these baking equipments sitting in the kitchen and no one uses it. What a waste of kitchen aid and my oven, right? My husband was inspired by my best friend C when we visited them a few years ago in Perth. She baked almost every day when we were there. Durain cake, sticky date pudding and more. She was so proud of her "Kitchen Aid' and raved about it non-stop. When we came back from Perth, Meyer was having a sale and E went and bought one, without having an oven at home at that time and never baked anything in his life. He enthusiastically started out making bread and pizza, but the only time he ever used the “Kitchen Aid” was to whisk some kaya (a recipe from C). After his third or so pizza, the fever subsided, I can't even remember when was the last time he used the oven. Anyhow, I decided to put the equipments to good use since spider webs were forming ... my first attempt was "Banana Bread" and since then I was hooked!


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