Kuih Bangkit I

One of my fave Chinese New Year goodies is Kuih Bangkit. The kind that melts in your mouth and you can actually taste the coconut milk. The snowy look cookie is a beautiful sight. I have been seacrhing the web for a recipe but hasn't found one that is highly recommended. If you have a Kuih Bangkit recipe you like to share, you know what to do : ) This one didn't quite melt in the mouth, the cookie turns out to be quite big in size after baking. Dad says it has too much flour and I think it's a tad too sweet for me.

The ingredients:
400 grams of tapioca flour
3-4 pieces pandan leaves
1 tbsp butter
2 egg yolks
170 grams of icing sugar
170 ml of coconut milk


Anonymous said…
hi..u might want to try this recipe, its fragrant and melts in you mouth http://www.dianasdesserts.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/recipes.recipeListing/filter/guests/recipeID/2541/Recipe.cfm

yummy tots! said…
Thanks Vic, I will try and post later : )

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